4 iOS Apps to Help Simplify Your Life

Life can be busy and complicated at times, which is why so many of us are constantly looking for new and easy ways to help make our life a little more simple. In this article we will take a look at 4 great apps that can easily help simplify your life.


Find the best deals with Honey!

One of the biggest concerns people have while purchasing things online is what if you’re missing out on a great deal, causing people to waste time trying expired or fake coupons. Honey helps fix this issue by quickly checking it’s database to find out if there are any active coupons for the product/site you are purchasing.  

Honey is free and easy to use and is compatible with a large variety of different websites. If you do any online shopping it may be worth checking out!


Keep track of everything you need to do with ToDoist

We have talked about Todoist in previous articles but it is worth mentioning when it comes to simplifying your life 

Todoist is an app that allows you to create and prioritize different tasks that you need to complete! This is a great tool for staying organized and simplifying your to do list. A to do list is an easy way to see all the things you need to finish, and allows you to properly adjust which ones need to be finished first. 

By keeping all your responsibilities listed it helps ensure they all get completed as none of them will be forgotten about. 

Autosender – Automatic Texting

Schedule automatic SMS or MMS with AutoSender - Automatic Texting for iPhone

Autosender is our text scheduling app that can schedule automatic SMS messages for any future date or time. It is an incredible way to simplify your life as you can schedule all birthday or holiday messages well in advance to ensure you never forget any important event.

It also is a great tool for sending out reminders and notifications about meetings or appointments you may have. Whether you own a business and want to send out appointment reminders or you just want to remind your friends about an event your hosting, Autosender – Automatic Texting is able to help.


Schedule your social media posts with HootSuite

Hootsuite is a great app for simplifying your social media posts. While this may not be useful for everyone, it is especially helpful for anyone who runs a small business or manages multiple social media accounts.

Hootsuite allows you to schedule social media posts for any date or time and will automatically post them at that time. It is very convenient and easy to use.

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